Christophe Maé

Multitracks (Stems, Custom Backing Tracks)

(30 songs available)

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Je me lâche

Christophe Maé
Custom backing track. 14 individual channels:
Bass, Drum Kit, Electric Guitar staccato, Electric Guitar wah-wah, Female Backing Vocals, Lead Acoustic Guitar, Lead Vocal, Male Backing Vocals, Organ, Percussion, Rhythm Acoustic Guitar, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Traditional Whistle

Je veux du bonheur

Christophe Maé
Custom backing track. 13 individual channels:
Arr. Electric Guitar, Backing Vocals, Bass, Brass section, Drum Kit, Lead Vocal, Organ, Piano, Rhythm Acoustic Guitar, Rhythm Electric Guitar 1, Rhythm Electric Guitar 2, Trumpet

L'art et la manière

Christophe Maé
Custom backing track. 8 individual channels:
Backing Vocals, Bass, Drums and Percussion, Lead Acoustic Guitar, Lead Vocal, Piano + Wurlitzer, Rhythm Acoustic Guitar


Christophe Maé
Custom backing track. 14 individual channels:
Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals, Bass, Bells, Drum Kit, Electric Guitar(Muted), Lead Electric Guitar(slides), Lead Vocal, Percussion, Rhythm Electric Guitar (Arpeggio), Scratch, Synth Pad, Synth Voice


Christophe Maé
Custom backing track. 10 individual channels:
Accordion, Banjo, Bass, Drums and Percussion, Electric Piano (Wurlitzer), Lead Vocal, Piano, Rhythm Acoustic Guitar, String Section

La poupée

Christophe Maé
Custom backing track. 10 individual channels:
Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Drum Kit, Electric Guitar, Lead Vocal, Piano, Synth Pad, Synthesizer, Violin

La rumeur

Christophe Maé
Custom backing track. 12 individual channels:
Arr. Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals Mmmh, Backing Vocals lyrics, Bass, Drum Kit, Eggs, Lead Acoustic Guitar, Lead Vocal, Lead Vocal ad lib, Rhythm Acoustic Guitar, String Section


Christophe Maé
Custom backing track. 11 individual channels:
Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals, Bass, Electric Guitar, Electric Piano, Electronic Drum Kit, Lead Vocal, Percussion, Synth Keys(wah-wah), Synth Pad

Ma douleur, ma peine

Christophe Maé
Custom backing track. 12 individual channels:
Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals, Bass, Brass section, Drum Kit, Electric Guitar (Bottleneck), Electric Guitar (left), Electric Guitar (right), Electric Piano, Lead Vocal, Percussion

Ma vie est une larme

Christophe Maé
Custom backing track. 7 individual channels:
Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals, Bass, Lead Vocal, Organ Hammond, Percussion